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"A bit shy to let others inside
But with the world surrounding there's nowhere to hide.
So here I lay forth my expressions to bleed
For creation is not a want but a fervacious need..."

My work floats and grounds, expressing what’s inside and outside and seeks to unveil hidden roots and obvious insanities. Art is a way that I can bring this forth both to myself and others.


Many modern lifestyles are focused on the possession and control of matter. This is a determining factor of success. Many times this “success” goes against our vital instincts, freedoms, and common sense and care towards each other and the nurturing organism we call Earth. Instead, this “success” perpetuates a destructive, cannibalistic tendency, overly consuming yet never full.

My aim is to remedy this unbalance, to feel those inner instincts (buried oh so deep) and arouse them into the tangible realm. This is my constant goal, a life long pursuit.

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